research experience

Randomization Test Approximation

The randomization test is a simulation-based way to test the null hypothesis that the two groups are the same. You create an empirical distribution by shuffling the group assignments and recomputing the test statistic for each shuffle. However, note that as the sample size grows that the amount of permutations becomes immense. Currently, people use the t-distribution to approximate the randomization distribution. This research project leverages Edgeworth Expansions to analyze whether in fact the Normal distribution would be better than the t-distribution in most cases. Research done under the advisory of Dr. Sun.

OCOB Summer Research Project

The Dean of OCOB funded a program that Dr. Doremus and I created called the Pilot Summer Research Program that would cater to rising sophomores in the Orfalea College of Business passionate about academic research. I worked with Dr. Doremus on various research papers, from scratch, over the entirety of the summer. My success in the program helped the administration of OCOB decide to work toward making the program available for interested OCOB students in the future

Research Topics

Analyzing the impacts of marijuana legalization on the pharmaceutical industry, focusing in on how it differently impacts Generic versus Proprietary drugs. Primarily using an Econometrics lens, while also using some tools used in Financial literature.

Utilizing CDC data to study natural experiments that occur through the legalization of marijuana, medically and recreationally. Looking at if marijuana poses an effect on prenatal development through studying various birth characteristics.